


His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas entered into eternal rest at noon on Friday, March 21, 2015 at Kiel, Germany. His Holiness was in a hospital in Kiel when he succumbed to cardiac arrest. His remains were taken to the monastery of Mor Yacqub of Sarugh in Warburg, Germany, where the first funeral service was conducted on Sunday, Mar 23rd. The body was then taken to Beirut, Lebanon, on March 25th, where the main funeral services were held on March 27th at 11 am local time.. Read more

Malankara World’s objective is to provide spiritual manna to the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Christian Church faithful scattered all over the world. Our special emphasis is on helping our families. Families are the microcosm of the church. So, in addition to spiritual material you will find resources to help families overcome day to day issues..Read more

ccording to ecclesiastical history and tradition, St. Peter the Apostle established a bishopric in Antioch and became its first bishop and was succeeded by Evodius for the converted Jews and St. Ignatius the Illuminator for the converted Gentiles. After the martyrdom of St. Peter in Rome, was succeeded by St. Evodius and St. Ignatius respectively. Likewise, St. Peter was succeeded by a line of distinguished Patriarchs, most of whom amazed the world with their sanctity, wonderful writings and other accomplishments in many fields.. Read More

Kerala (Indian) tradition is that Apostle St. Thomas established Christianity in Malankara in AD 52, and it get organized and prospered with the arrival of Knai Thoma from Syria in AD 345, which happens to be the first known colonization of Syrian Christians and as a result, the Christians of Malankara (Kerala) came to be known as Syrian Christians, as they received the Apostolic benediction from the Syrian Patriarchate and thus started to use the liturgy of the Holy Syrian Church of Antioch. The Church in Malankara continued to be under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Antioch, and his subordinate ‘Maferyono’/’Catholicose’ of the East then residing in Mesopotamian region, till the arrival of Nestorian bishops in 1490. Later with the Portuguese aggression of the 16th & 17th century..Read more

Jesus said, “ And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will loosed in heaven”. (Mathew 16:18-19). Thus, the Church began..Read more

As far as I know of, there are two major churches in the United States that claim to be Malankara Orthodox. One refers to itself as Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church. The other is the The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, to which I belong. Please forgive me if I am mistaken. Is it possible that both sides belong to the same church or that both have the right to refer to themselves as Malankara Orthodox Churches.

Supposedly, there are two Indian Orthodox groups in India, one is legitimate and the other is heretical. One is the Indian Orthodox Church, to which I belong, and it is schismatic of the Syriac Orthodox Church…Read more

The Role of Women is a topic of importance today in our Syriac Orthodox Church which is a deeply
rooted traditional apostolic church.” In our presentation, we shall depend upon the Holy Scripture and
the tradition of the Church, namely the teachings of the Apostles which have not been recorded in the
Scriptures. We also shall depend on the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils and general and local
synods, as well as on liturgical practices and the teachings of our Holy Church Fathers, which have all
been passed down to us from our predecessors..Read More