
Lepers are untouchable. I don’t mean that they’re considered superstars…just the opposite. People shunned them. For good reason too. They carried a highly communicable disease with horrible consequences. Many of us today aren’t familiar with the terrible suffering caused by infectious disease, as many of the killers of the past like TB, flu, pneumonia, etc are treatable. Back in Jesus day, such conditions took their toll hard. Who wants to cozy up to the unhealthy, the unclean, or the invalid? Jesus’ mission

After Jesus’ baptism by John and the clear revelation of the Holy Trinity, as well as His temptation by Satan, it may surprise some that Jesus engaged in family outings. It seems clear that He had begun sharing the Good News as He had disciples. But He remained close to His mother, attending a wedding feast with her alongside the disciples. Jesus lived a fully Jewish/Aramean life, concerning Himself with the material and cultural needs to people like Him. Of course He lived without sin.