News Welcoming our Patriarch His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

Welcoming our Patriarch His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

As our beloved Archbishop, His Eminence Mor Theethose Yeldho, formally welcomes our new Patriarch His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II to our Archdiocese, we are blessed to formally launch our parish ministry blog!

Thanks for visiting our internet home. Resources to nourish the Orthodox spirit will be posted regularly. We aim to post for all ages and backgrounds. The culture of Malankara, from where the majority of our members hail, will be a prominent feature.

To kickoff, let me relate the message Our Holy Father provided. His Holiness encouraged a call to action for peace. The situation of Middle Eastern Christians is dire – our response must be love, patience, and prayer, imploring people of goodwill worldwide to intervene. Similarly, peace within our power, that within the Malankara Church, must be vigorously pursued at a pace and method endorsed by the leadership there. But we must be peacemakers. We must be thankful for the lands we live in, including the United States of America, and work toward the betterment of all.

His Holiness blessed medallions of Sts. Peter and Paul for the children of our parish. May God guide him, our Archbishop, Church, and parish through every challenge and triumph. May the ministry resources and messages found here support spiritual peace and Christian growth. Enjoy the pictures from His Holiness’ reception and today’s Archdiocesan delegates’ meeting.

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