

News (Page 5)

After Jesus’ baptism by John and the clear revelation of the Holy Trinity, as well as His temptation by Satan, it may surprise some that Jesus engaged in family outings. It seems clear that He had begun sharing the Good News as He had disciples. But He remained close to His mother, attending a wedding feast with her alongside the disciples. Jesus lived a fully Jewish/Aramean life, concerning Himself with the material and cultural needs to people like Him. Of course He lived without sin.

Exploiting communication technology to enrich prayer life, Syrian Orthodox Church, a prominent non-Catholic segment in Kerala, on Friday launched a prayer app named ‘Qleedo.’ The prayer app would be available for the faithfuls across the world both in Android and iOS platforms, supported with all user languages. The project was funded by the youth ministry of North American Archdiocese of the Church. Fr. Zacharia Varghese, who conceptualized the prayer app, said Qleedo provides a new facet to the richness of Orthodox prayer

Luke 1:26-38 As we enter the week of Thanksgiving here in the USA, and many prepare for festivities, let us consider the most remarkable apparition to St. Mary, the Mother of God. We celebrate the Annunciation, the event that heralded the birth of our Lord. A few points: Life has its bumps and bruises, but God serves us peace. St. Mary must have been absolutely shocked to hear that she was going to carry the Son of God, yet she knows: To do God’s

This week’s theme shows how special and significant is the birth of John the Baptist — announced in the temple to the boy’s father, a priest. But it also has lessons for us as disciples. Zechariah certainly lives his life to follow the God he loved, but his faith falters. What can we learn from his faith that we can apply to our own? The story begins carefully placed in geography and time. Luke relates this not as a timeless

Luke 19:47-20:8 Two leaders are contrasted in the passage. The first type, the Jewish chief priests, lawyers, scribes, etc, question by what authority Jesus can do the things He does. In life, those who don’t understand our God given mission will raise questions. Can we defend the actions we take based on our faith? Do we need to prepare to do so? Do we have actions in life that are based in faith? Are we willing to persevere despite not having